GTI Asia Taipei Expo (GTI Taipei), a traditional arcade gaming industry trade expo in Taiwan, celebrates its 20
th year today in Taipei World Trade Center. Although there aren't some famous companies and major events participated in, but some new local or foreign-agent games still showed strengths of creative inventories and ideas.
Namco Bandai: Tradition, Ancient, and Spirit.
This year of GTI Taipei, NBGI highlighted their arcade theme by retro of "Pac-Man" as a "Pac-Man Zone" including varied games for most of all ages.
In addition to the NBGI, they also showed their enterprise slogan "Empower, Gain Momentum, Accelerate Evolution" to encourage the public do anything with positive attitude.
Feiloli: Basketball Shooting in New Ideas?
As many people thought about basketball shooting machine as "simple, fast, and accuracy", but this may be varied as Feiloli announced "Dream Shooter Arena" with very EXCLUSIVE blocking hand function. It simulated a real basketball game as a defender's hand randomly blocking (or breaking) shooter's shooting tempo.
IGS Games: The Power of All-MIT content with cross-over integration
Not only famoused games including Muzibox, Percussion Master 3, and Speed Rider Series, IGS showcased a card game with an original comic from Taiwan named "Hero Robots" (in picture). According to the IGS, this work referred settings and designs from past original comic manuscripts and characters. It showcased the true power of the integration with digital content, comic and animation, and arcade gaming industries in Taiwan.
Music games in a Glance: Functionality and humanity for opportinity
Although a great variations on this GTI Taipei, some of participants still promoted great inventions in arcade music game. Besides of maimai, Muzibox, and Percussion Master 3, some new games are designed for varied ages to make suitable with proper ages.
Amazing Hammer, a puzzle game with varied gaming styles for children and parents from strategical game to rhythmic game. |
"Cube Master", a multi-touch puzzle game with varied scene and BGM music effects. |
Coming Up: Executives talks about the GTI Expo and Arcade Industry in Taiwan